We are planning a move to NC sometime in the next few months. We thought that a great way to pack would be to start now and take our time going through things. Why throw everything in trash bags (our traditional way) when we can box it up neat and organized?
Our plan starts with cleaning out the attic. Slowly but surely I have been taking a few boxes, bins, or bags at a time, cleaning them out, re-boxing them, and throwing lots of things away. Things have been going well. I feel good about moving now. It won’t be so hard to pack everything and it won’t have to be done last minute. It’ll be 10 times easier to unpack, and this way, things shouldn’t get lost or broken. Sounds like a good plan right?
Saturday I was up in the attic, getting the last of the kids’ old clothes out. It was raining outside, so it was quite noisy up there. Not to mention all the spider webs and other bugs that have made a nice warm home in there this winter. Now I’ve been doing well so far, sucking it up and ignoring all the little creepies, but Saturday was the last straw. There will be no more packing of the attic for me.
As I was throwing the trash bags full of clothes down the attic stairs, I kept noticing a weird type of buzzing noise. Upon throwing the last bag down, I looked around to investigate. I didn’t see anything that seemed like it would be causing such a noise, so I chalked it up to the rain, and went towards the steps to get out of the attic.
I made it down the first step, then the second, and on to the third. Then it happened. A BIG BEE landed on my head! I looked around to notice more bees, BIG ONES! There must have been hundreds (not really, but it felt that way). I never touched another stair. Somehow, I before I knew it, I was standing in the middle of my room, yelling for my husband. I had mysteriously flown out of the attic, over the bags of clothes, and into my room. All without touching my feet to anything, and in a matter of a half a second. I amaze myself sometimesJ
Hearing all the racket, and yelling, my knight in shining armor came running up the stairs. He was upset thinking that something had actually happened…..
Didn’t you hear what I sad about the bees? Something did actually happen. A BIG BEE touched me, there’s lots more up there, and I’m scared now….DUH!
That’s the difference though between men and women I guess. I think that if I would have battled the bee, perhaps with guns or knives, took out the nest, and emerged triumphantly to cook their little dead carcasses, than that would have qualified as “something”. Oh well, you just can’t’ win them all right?
Like I said, there will be no more packing of the attic for me. Moving with trash bags isn’t that bad is it?
And honey, don’t think I didn’t notice you ducking and cautiously looking when you went up to turn the light off and close the hatch…..
What are you afraid of? It’s not like “something” really happened up there.