My daughter was happy and playing on the floor, my 7 year old was happily playing his Game Boy, and of course, there was distress coming from my 2 year old. I was trying to have a conversation with my mother about my trials that day, while my 2 year old(again, why is it always him??) was constantly interrupting me. "Libby pooped" he kept saying. Now this is nothing out of the ordinary, the pooping, and him telling me she pooped. He tells me about a hundred times a day that she pooped. He's never right, but he still tells me just as much. I was succeeding at ignoring him, until he shouted "Libby's in the toilet!". Again, he was wrong, but she was close to the bathroom door, so I ran over and scooped her up. Just then, I felt it. Warm pasty, smelly, yuckiness!! For the first time ever, my 2 year old was right, Libby did poop. A lot! It was everywhere. It was on the carpet, my clothes, her clothes, my arms, and even up the back of her head in her hair(how does poop travel so well?).
Now you would think that her diaper had never been changed, or it was completely full right? But it wasn't. It never ceases to amaze me how much poop a little baby can produce, and how much it can spread. I think there was only a small trace of it actually in the diaper. The rest seemed to have escaped somehow, and began to terrorize us like the Blob.
The baby was crying, Ethan was laughing, my 7 year old was freaked out, and I was feeling despair. Where do I even begin? If I don't get it off the carpet, then Ethan will surely track it or spread it. If I don't get it off of myself and the baby, it will continue to get on the floor and everything else....UGH!
Poop stinks! Literally and figuratively. Getting pooped on, stinks even worse!