Monday, March 06, 2006


My kids never cease to amuse me. And lots of times it's right after they've embarassed me. I always think to myself that "I have got to tell so and so this, they would love it!". But usually I forget and never do. So I decided to start a section called Kid-Isms. That way I can write all the lovely things that my kids do to me, and you the reader, can me amused and even more so, be happy it wasn't you...

I'll add on from time to time, so check abck to see what's new

-A conversation with my 3 year old the other day

"Mommy, can I feed Abby? (our infant daughter)

"No, Ethan, I'm sorry, you can't"

"Because I don't have big boobies and mine are smashed in?"

I had no reply to this one...

-At my niece's 6th Birthday Party

As she was opening up a Barbie Doll, my 3 year old son stood up in the chair and screamed "Holy shit!"

Like I said, happy it wasn't you...

-At the grocery store with my 8 year old

We were in line behind an older man with some kid of disease. He has lots of tumor like things covering his whole head, face, and what we could see of his arms. He was smiling and happy, talking to the kids, and making silly faces at Libby. I continued in a conversation with him, all the while trying to ignore the bumps and the curiosity that I had about them. As soon as our converstaion was done he turned around to pay the cashier for his groceries. My eight year old turns to me and says " Geez, it's a good thing that Ethan isn't here. Who knows what he's be saying about that man's face!"

Um yes, he was still within ear shot of us and I'm quite sure he heard...