Wednesday, December 12, 2007

House of Cards

"For those who thought a Democratic congress would end the war in Iraq, think again: their new budget proposes supplemental funds totaling about $150 billion in 2008 and $50 billion in 2009 for Iraq. This is in addition to the ordinary Department of Defense budget of more than $500 billion, which the Democrats propose increasing each year just like the Republicans."- Congressman Ron Paul M.D.

No matter what your political affiliation may be watch this video about Ron Paul speaking on the Dollar / currency policies of America. It will give you a little crash course in basic economics. Read the texts that appear on the screen. Pause the screen if you have to.

FACT: The Dollar is worth .04 cents of what it was in 1913 - right before the Feds seized the Gold (from citizens) and created the fiat money system we are under today.The "Federal" Reserve is not Federal at all. It is an amalgamation of PRIVATE banks. They pull the strings of the US economy and thus, set its policies.

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws." - Mayer Amschel Rothschild.