Monday, April 25, 2005

Highland Creek Here We Come!

This is the only photo so far. We didnt take any when we looked at it. Folks can be funny about you taking snapshots of thier houses you know. This is off the website from our realtor. When I get more pics, I'll post em'

You can check out the neighborhood And yes it really does look like the pictures


Tam said...

For future reference, my blog is NOT here for people to advertise their scams or other "business opportunities" on.

Anonymous said...

Man I hope you got kissed when you bought this house... because you sure were screwed!!!!!

Tam said...

What exactly does getting kissed have to do with getting screwed?
And who are you to say or even to know that we did get screwed???
Pretty convenient that you HIDE behind "Anonymous". If you know so much, why then don't you tell me and my readers who you are and how it is that you are sooo qualified to know that "I got screwed"???

Tenebrous Rex said...

If there is one thing people love to do it's give realestate advice. Everyone's an "expert." It's the same way everyone thinks they're a good driver, or has a good sense of humor.

Sorry Tam, people are morons.

Tam said...

Yeah, I don't know why I even responded to that's pretty eveident without me even pointing it out. I was just mad I guess.