It’s taken a bit of getting used to living here. At first it was almost scary. I went to the grocery store and around every corner was someone asking me “Do ya need help findin’ anything?” By the end I felt like screaming “I’m not going to steal anything!!” I’ve learned since then, that they’re just really helpful, you know, because it’s their job to be.
It seems that “Customer Service” has a whole different meaning down here. It’s the strangest thing. People here are actually ready and willing, and most weird of all, happy to help customers. They actually feel good when they do too. Has anyone ever even heard of such a thing?
Moving on. The people in general, are just as strange. People pop out of nowhere and just start a conversation with you. I don’t even know these people, and here they are talking to me. When they find out we just moved here, they are eager to help me find my way to the next store, or tell me where the best pizza place is, or where I can get a good burger or BBQ. And their not even paid to help me. What’s the matter with these people?
My neighbors have all made their way over to meet us. They bring cookies, phone numbers, and offers of help anytime we should need it. We even were invited to a birthday party by one of them. They wave when ever they see you. They ask how you’ve been. People out walking will wave too, and their not even my neighbors. When I drive around, people doing yard work will wave and smile. Don’t these people know I’m not their neighbor?
Now that I’ve drown you with my sarcasm, I’ll make my point. Living in general is so different here. It’s like another world. There really is something to be said about that “Good Ol’ Southern Hospitality”. I love it, and I never wanna leave it.
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