Well, to all of you who seem to find this humorous, I dedicate this post...
–noun 1. a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry.
I love how I get hung out to dry constantly for being a Christian, by those who run around screaming about my intolerance.
Please, all of you self-righteous people out there, someone direct me to the place on the Duggars or my website that makes fun of Jews, homosexuals, the disabled, people of other races, or those who have no kids at all.
Seems like this society is FULL of "tolerant" people wanting me to know how wrong, crazy, humorous, stupid, or oppressed they think I and others like me are because we're different from the norm.
Maybe if Mrs. Duggar would have had and MBA, a big house, a successful career, and 17 abortions rather than children, she would have gotten applauded instead of poked fun at...
Oh, and P.S. - You're right, I am intolerant...of hypocrites