Well, to all of you who seem to find this humorous, I dedicate this post...
–noun 1. a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry.
I love how I get hung out to dry constantly for being a Christian, by those who run around screaming about my intolerance.
Please, all of you self-righteous people out there, someone direct me to the place on the Duggars or my website that makes fun of Jews, homosexuals, the disabled, people of other races, or those who have no kids at all.
Seems like this society is FULL of "tolerant" people wanting me to know how wrong, crazy, humorous, stupid, or oppressed they think I and others like me are because we're different from the norm.
Maybe if Mrs. Duggar would have had and MBA, a big house, a successful career, and 17 abortions rather than children, she would have gotten applauded instead of poked fun at...
Oh, and P.S. - You're right, I am intolerant...of hypocrites
Hello from the Abyss! Yes it has been a long time and I have much to share. Shoot me a line at the same email and I will catch you up to speed.
Now, as to the post. I do find it funny, but I also think it's healthy to be about to laugh at ones self. In God's plan there is fortune and blessings at everyturn. God gave her extra blessings, I guess I should do more praying because I only have the one ;-) Which was a wonderful thing because each and everyone of those children helped Mrs. Duggar build their fabulous home.
Tolerance works both ways. So although, some want to make fun of a woman that, I envy because she can stay home with her children, that has so many children others shouldn't be condemned for not. I just say to those on both side to pray for peace and each other. I must point this out in particular because I did find it rather disappointing. A friend of mine went to a play date and the mothers inquired about her situation. Needless to say the other mothers gave her a look of disgust when the heard she was a single mother and worked fulltime. Tolerance - it needs to come from us all. And although these women were not particularly friendly, there are many stay at home moms that are spectacular :-) (Like my friend Tammy ;-D)
Tolerance is something we all need and practice on a continuous basis ;-)
I agree with you and I hope that it in no way came across that I am judging people with no children, or single moms, or what have you.
I could really care less whether or not other people are having kids or chosing not to. We all make our own decisions.
I too feel dissapointed about what happened to your friend. I was almost a single mom not too long ago when a simple surgical proceedure for Chris had some horrible and life threatening complications. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to do it alone and rather than be supported, be shunned.
Please tell her she's not alone with the dirty looks and attitude from other women though. I'm not a single mom, but believe me, I get PLENTY of dirty looks from other women. Looks of utter disgust when I'm asked why my kids aren't in school today..."Oh, you home school huh?", looks of disgust when my answer to their questions is "yes, all five of them are mine", and I'm not even going to repeat some of the hurtful, hideous comments that people have to say about that. I guess that's why this picture struck such a nerve with me.
Imagine if I went around poking fun at and making crude comments to women who had no children??? Or who only had one, or two?
Anyways, can't wait to hear what you've been up to :)
Hey, Don't know if you'll check back here or not, but I sent you an email, and it got bounced back...guess I don't have the right address. So just know that I'm not ignoring you, I just can't get in touch with you!
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