Wednesday, September 21, 2005

My Kids Poop On Me...Part 2

Well, if you're familiar with my previous post about my kids pooping on me, than you will surely love this "part 2" of the poo poo saga.

It was an irregular evening, no chaos, no excitement, no bad behavior. Just happy, well behaved kids, approaching bath time. I should have known right? I have an 8 year old who is far beyond needing help from me to shower, so all I have to worry about is the little ones, Ethan 2, and Libby 1. Now we happen to be blessed with a pretty big bathtub in our master bathroom. So I use that to my advantage. I put both little guys in there at the same time, and then I only really have to give one bath a night. I save on water and time. I'm so smart I should write books!

Ahh, but what happens when your 2 year old screams "Libby pooped!!"? Well according to my previous post, he says that all the time, and had only been right once. And even though it was disaster, he's never really been right again since. I had no worries, and just like before, I ignored him. Until he started to cry that is. I turned from the sink where I was getting a rubber band for my hair, and there it was, poop, floating, everywhere. It was an SBD! That's right, silent, but deadly. I never heard her poop, but sure enough, Libby had produced enough diarrhea to fertilize a whole field of corn (that's a nice picture huh?) And there it was floating, covering the entire surface of the water. The blob had come back to terrorize us one more time.

Do they put poo poo repellent on diapers?

Now I don't want to bore you with all the crazy details of how long it took and how hard it was to clean that up. Let me just say this though, I dread bath time, and my daughters cute little heiny isn't so cute anymore. It's the enemy. And Ethan is officially known as The boy who cried poop!

Looks like my brillaint plan isn't really that brilliant after all.

Maybe I'll hold off on that book for now.

1 comment:

Tenebrous Rex said...

yeah, chris called me a little ways back and told me 'number 4' was on the way. I asume we was not talking about some new form of bowel movment, there are only 2 numbers there. Anyways, a girl huh, wow, you're a regular factory. Pardon my saying so but mam, you are gonna need more nipples, or at least get chris to start feeding too.


miss you guys!