Sunday, April 24, 2005


The kids have croup, and the house is a mess. I haven’t slept well in days. I think I’m catching what they have, if an adult can catch the croup. I have lost my voice, and I’m so tired. Things have been nuts lately trying to find a house, lots of doctor apts., getting Chris2 ready for his standardized testing, preparing for a trip to NC to look at houses, and packing our house. In the process of all the chaos, my kids, especially Ethan, have found creative ways to entertain themselves.

Exibit "A" That missing roll of TP has resurfaced.... Posted by Hello


Tenebrous Rex said...

I used to get croup as a kid. That cough is the WORST! I used to get it all the time too.

Damn my no-spleen havin' lack of an in-body defense to illness havin' butt.

I hope you made him eat that TP. That's how things would go down in my house!

Oh and another thing people love to do: give you parental advice. Dont you just love it?

Tam said...

ha ha ha yeah.

Our screen saver flashes pictures from our files. Whenever he sees that one, he says "That was bad boy, mom". I tell him yeah it was!

It cracks me up.

At least he always keeps us amused.

The best advice I ever got about parenting was this : Always find the joy and humor in everything they do.

That came from Chris' Grandfather. I have to repeat it in my head almost daily, but it really is true, and reminding myself of it actually makes parenting fun :)